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Nano Science

Second Class (Ms O'Dea) explored the world of Nano science - that's tiny science!!! They created fizzing rockets using tablets and water....

Design and Make

Rang 4 decided to design and make a parachute. Their designs led to some fascinating discoveries. The boys and girls designed and built...

Magnetic Fun

Boys and girls in Rang 3 (Ms Gallagher and Ms Donovan) spent a number of lessons exploring magnetism. They designed magnetic games, held...

Using IPads

Our first and second class boys and girls have been particularly busy since November with our brand new IPads. They have been developing...

Engineering Challenge

We hope to celebrate Engineering Week 2019 from 02 - 08 March. A group of enthusiastic boys and girls from sixth class have designed a...

The power of 'Blubber'

First class boys and girls were finding out all about the animals that live in the Arctic and Antarctic. They learned that insulation is...

Exploring Measures

Senior Infants have been exploring length and have gathered together data on their school and the surrounding environment. Working in...

Maths and Technology

Senior Infants in Ms Mulcahy's room have been playing games as part of their number work. They even used IPads as part of their addition...

Environmental Awareness

There is no doubting our commitment to the environment. We know that in order to live in a beautiful world, we must work hard to protect...

Exploring Fungus

Rang 4 (Mr Doyle) carried out a pretty 'hairy' set of experiments. They investigated the fungal and microbial growth in bread by...

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